"No Name" Lynchburgs?
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By comparing the reverse lettering, it is likely that the Lynchburg versions of CD 164, Mold 11 and Mold 11.1 were retooled from the No Name version of CD 164. Whether the No Name CD 164 Mold 11 originally carried the Gayner name that was subsequently blotted out by Lynchburg and then produced as a No Name before LYNCHBURG was added, or if the No Name version was produced by Gayner as a No Name before being acquired by Lynchburg is unknown.
It is interesting that I have never seen a GAYNER lettered CD 164 Mold 11. It is possible that Gayner never made a CD 164 Mold 11 lettered GAYNER and only made the No Name version. This awaits further research and information.
Another example is a No Name CD 154 Mold 2, with normal Gayner reverse lettering but without either GAYNER or LYNCHBURG on the front (see CD 154, Type I, Mold G2). However, there are obvious yet unreadable blot outs of previous lettering on the front, presumably blotting out GAYNER. Since it is highly unlikely that Gayer would have blotted out their own name while still making this style, it is probable that this piece was made at Lynchburg, after blotting out the GAYNER name but before adding LYNCHBURG. This is one of the few pieces that I have seen that provides more concrete evidence that at least some of the "No Names" of Gayner-Lynchburg styles were actually made at Lynchburg.
See Gayner Insulators at Lynchburg?