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Lynchburg Letter: W. H. Loyd to Wm. Gayner

Sale of Factory and Equipment

December 15, 1927

This is a letter written a little over two and a half years after Lynchburg stopped production. It was addressed to William Gayner, former Vice President and plant manager. Mr. Gayner had resigned from Lynchburg Glass Corporation on June 1, 1925 and returned to New Jersey. However, it is obvious from this letter that he kept in touch with the company. This letter was written by W. H. Lloyd, who remained president of the defunct Lynchburg Glass Corporation until the plant's final sale.

The letter deals with attempts to contact people who might be interested in the closed factory, as well as mentioning that "Naphthalene Products Co. of Birmingham" had already purchased the insulator presses and molds (See Birmingham). A scan of W. H. Loyd's copy of the original letter is below.

Dec. 15, 1927.

Mr. J.William Gayner
29- 7th. Street
Salem, N.J.

My Dear Mr. Gayner:

Your letter of December eighth received and I appreciate it more than I can tell you. There is nothing that I would rather see than for you to come back here and make good right beside this Snydow-McWayne Furniture Factory[.] If you have a lead with J.E.Marsden, please push it with all you can and if you fall out with the others you can go in with your son Tom.  You had things lined out right here and if the business had been held together for ninety days longer, I am firmly convienced [sic] that all your dreams would have come true and much more besides.

You can now come back and I believe that I can get this plant around thirty thousand dollars now.  I wrote Mr. Marsden this and I hope you will go over to see him.

The Naphthalene Products Co. of Birmingham bought the three presses and the insulator molds and will load them by Jan 1st.  They have been making water glass for some time and have been figuring on making insulators and bottles for two years. They intend to start in with a small tank and gather by hand.

I am mailing your photos to-day and will see that Mr. Reed gets his card about the twenty fourth.   He has rented the entire bottom below this plant and will put himself in a crop of corn and other things.  The plant and grounds look good and the manager of the Birmingham plant said he couldn't believe that it was possible for this factory to have been closed for more than two years and kept in this shape.  He says that the pictures do not do it justice.

Now if you cannot interest Marsden, give Corning Glass a try.With the faith of only one man you can put this across or anything else that you may want and I do not know of anything that should be more completely to your liking and satisfaction than this right here.

Wishing you and Mrs. Gayner and your son’s family a merry, happy Christmas and New Year and remembering your message very pleasantly, I am


[W. H. Loyd]

